Shaolin Culture Centre

当地时间2022年5月15日,农历四月十五,为佛教中的卫塞节、佛吉祥日。为庆祝这一殊胜的日子,英国少林修文化中心庄严举行浴佛大法会及庆祝活动。法会由净通、广德、延修等主法。当地善信、华人华侨、文化中心学员等400余人参加了这一活动。活动从当天上午十点持续到下午四点。 On the 15th of May 2022, lunar calendar April the 15th, is the the Vesak Day and the auspicious day of the Buddha in Buddhism. To celebrate this special day, UK Shaolinxiu Culture Centre Solemnly held the Buddha Bathing Dharma Ceremony and celebrations. The dharma ceremony is led by Master Jingtong,...

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卫塞节 – Vesak Day

For everyone’s safety please do a Lateral Flow Test before coming to any classes! If you have the any symptom please DO NOT attend! Stay Healthy, Stay Well, Train harder!

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Update on Classes

Hope you all had plenty of great food and joyful moment with your family as we step into 2022! New Year is a new beginning, health is the most precious gift, and maintaing a healthy body is the key to longevity. Our 1st Class will start on the 10th of January 2022 (Monday). All levels are welcome to join the class! “千里之行,始于足下“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. -老子Lao...

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1st Class in 2022

Shaolin Xiu Xmas celebration is on the 18th of December (Satruday), there is still training session on the 19th (Sunday) and the 20th of December (Monday) will be the last training session for this year! We will return in January, please keep an eye on this website for the date of the first training session in 2022! Everyone trained hard this year, now its time to enjoy the Xmas break! Merry Christmas...

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Last class for 2021

Shaolin Xiu Xmas celebration will be held at: Dartford temple (St. Albans Hall St Albans Rd Dartford DA1 1TY), starting at 16:00.  If you would like to, you can cook your special dish 🍲 for everyone to try (please only bring vegetarian food and no alcohol).  If you are just coming for the show and food, please drop us a message so we can prepare enough food for everyone.  For everyone’s piece of mind, please do a...

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Shaolin Xiu Xmas party

After a year long lockdown… WE ARE BACK! First training session will be held on the 11th September 2021! Only limited space available: We only accpet 20 students per class, places will be given on a first come first served basis, for the time being (only applies to face to face classes). The monthly fee must be paid in advance in order to secure your place for the entire month. For more information please visit...

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We are back!

To all students, Do not attend if you have felt unwell/been in contact with anyone unwell with Covid-19 symptoms within the last 14 days BEFORE the next class. Please inform us if you have a confirmed diagnosis or develop Covid-19 symptoms within 14 days AFTER the last class attended. Help to minimise the risk of transmission by wearing a mask if you have one and washing your hands before and after class. Thank you and we look forward...

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Safety note for All Students

Face to Face Classes only! Due to limited spaces for class we now no longer accept payment per session. Once new members have tried first class and wish to join, monthly payment must be made in advance.

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Payment Update

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and New Year! Here are some photos from our Christmas celebrations Indonesia Shaolin Xiu Culture Center, USA Shaolin Xiu Culture Centre and UK Shaolin Xiu Culture Centre....

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Shaolin Xiu Christmas 2019